MISIL’s range of casting facilities provides the optimum metallurgical process route for demanding steel types. Billet, the raw material of constructional steel is produced in appropriate quantities for hot and thermodynamic rolling during continuous casting. Highly specialized three strands continuous caster engineered and supplied by Concast is used by MISIL for the production of 80 x 80 mm, 100 x 100 mm, 130 x 130 mm and 150 x 150 mm billets of steel in a highly synergized manner. The liquid steel is discharged into a distributor unit. This unit has several holes at the bottom through which the liquid steel can flow into various casting lines or moulds where the solidification of the steel takes place and semi-products (billets) are obtained. Later a cooling system is applied, first by the way of cold water jets and then by air. The billet is cut to the desired lengths using blowtorches which move with the billet during the cut.